7:30am – 7:30pm

Monday to Friday

Sell and Succeed, LLC

Los Angeles, CA 90064

(424) 652-6946

When you learn to sell, you succeed.

What our Clients have said

Daniel Fernandez

Ecommerce and Operations Expert

“I got on the phone with Ben Chaib for a strategy call and received a lot of value. We did a sales role-play for several minutes where I gave him any objection I wanted and he demonstrated how to overcome it. At the end he broke down the role-play interaction and explained the importance and sequence of what all he said. I highly endorse Ben’s ability to help me be more effective during sales conversations with prospects.”

daniel fernandez
Shirley Soliz, Live Life with Flavor

Shirley Solis

Live Life With Flavor
“Ben Chaib is definitely the sales rockstar everyone was saying he was! Awesome call with him yesterday- he helped me understand how to ask the right questions to engage the ‘to-be client.’ He is not married to a script, which creates a broader sense of freedom and flow in the sales conversation.”
valarie shoopman, facebook expert

Valerie Shoopman

Facebook Expert
Ben is truly masterful at leading you down a path so that you answer all of your own objections and there’s nothing left but for the perfect solution to be offered. The way he sets it up as a role play gives you a true experiential learning opportunity that you can relate to immediately. I highly recommend you do it now!
Calvin Wayman, contributing author for Entrepreneur Magazine, client of Ben Chaib at Sell and Succeed

Calvin Wayman

 Author, Entrepreneur Magazine
Before working with Ben, I was frustrated for not being able to pinpoint why I wasn’t persuading and getting through my prospects. Now I get virtually zero confused looks or suspicion coming from my prospects, because now what I tell them makes sense to them. This has lead to closing more sales, making more money.

Jt Clough

Dog Trainer
The AHHHH Mazing Ben Chaib! Just got off a call with him. Do not miss the opportunity to speak with him. Many of us are caught up in “internet marketing”. This piece that Ben teaches is key. You have to know how to talk to people. Authentic conversation will win the sales game. I highly recommend talking with Ben and learning his techniques.


Vetrichelvan Jayaprakasan

Vetrichelvan Jayaprakasan

Founder, Vitri and Mari. Life Coach
Just got off awesome call from Ben! It was a breakthrough for adding value to my service. In fact, Ben just 5Xed the value I bring to the table. I learned from Ben that person asking the last question is always in control. I would encourage every (entrepreneur) to get on call with Ben and I am sure you will 5X or 10X your income.
scott hoffman

Scott Brandon Hoffman

Life Coach
Just got off the phone with Ben Chaib, what a brilliant guy, and super cool too. If you have not had a chance to have your call with him yet, PLEASE sign up for your complimentary call. He REALLY has the selling conversation down to a killer process, that I KNOW will help you double, triple, and even quadruple your sales, no matter WHAT you do, even us entertainment peeps!
jenn beninger

Jenn Beninger

JennBen Marketing
If you haven’t scheduled your call with Ben Chaib yet – run out and go do it now!! I was worried I wasn’t ready to talk to him because I wasn’t sure if I had my ducks in a row enough and lucky for me it didn’t matter. If you want a huge influx of clients and revenue in your business – call him – call him now!
jesse morquecho, Idealust

Jesse Morquecho

Becky and I had a call with Ben Chaib this last week and it was amazing! We felt like our strategy/sales calls were going pretty well, but even just one of the things we took away from the call is going to be HUGE!We are so excited to start implementing what we’ve learned! Thanks again, Ben!
terrell lloyd

Terrell Lloyd

Fitness Expert and Coach
Ben Chaib just gave me a great way to double my sales over the phone! It will allow me to be myself and serve my clients at the highest level possible. I recommend everyone who does phone sales to schedule with Ben to maximize your sales conversations.
theresa vigarina

Theresa Vigarino

Certified Life Coach, Spiritual Advisor
I am sooooo incredibly grateful I had my call with Ben Chaib tonight! After many weeks of frustration and questioning my purpose, business life and direction, tonight I realized through Ben’s coaching, that my conversations have been backwards and upside down! I never knew there was a specific technique to the sales conversation.
Get on a call with Ben if you haven’t already! I am so excited and my passion for my purpose has been reignited!